BELLRINGER: None today. Please get right to work on your FINAL EXAM.
Make sure to READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS! Almost every single question that you can ask me is already answered in the instructions.
This grade will be worth 10 percent of your course grade.
WORK DAY: Please work on your FINAL EXAM today. You may NOT access any previous course material or discuss any problems with other classmates.
BELLRINGER: I've decided to NOT do a bunch more work today! Yay! That means that it is again MOVIE DAY! Settle in to watch a set of short films! Bring your Chromebook! Some funny, some serious. You will, of course, have to answer a few questions about them or it wouldn't be Mr. Burkhard's class:
DONE?: At least 12 students did not submit a completed the Checkbook Problemor the FAVORITE THING COMPANY ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT.If you need to complete these, do so now. If I see students claiming to be done and not working, but also not having completed these two projects, I will not be happy.
BELLRINGER: Time for another PUZZLER! YAY! This time, it is the MR. B. AND THE GRIM REAPER PUZZLER. Correct answers will be awarded 5 extra credit problems, as long as there is not any class discussions on the topic! BY THE WAY- Just letting Mr. B. die is NOT an option for this puzzler!
OUR NEXT PROJECT: Time to learn a new tool for presenting information. The good news is- You may already know how to use this tool! Please check out the FAVORITE THING COMPANY ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT. Please make sure that you understand the A, B and C Options for this project! Don't know how to operate on CANVA? There are links to a couple of learning resources on the assignment sheet, USE THEM!
BELLRINGER: First, we discuss how a CHECKBOOK works. Then, we work on a...
OUR NEXT PROJECT: Time to learn a new tool for presenting information. The good news is- You may already know how to use this tool! Please check out the FAVORITE THING COMPANY ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT. Please make sure that you understand the A, B and C Options for this project! Don't know how to operate on CANVA? There are links to a couple of learning resources on the assignment sheet, USE THEM!
BELLRINGER: Nice quick puzzler today, no tricks, just a little bit of math and some logic. Please complete the THREE BUTTONS PUZZLER. If there is no discussion regarding answers, I will award 5 extra credit points to any correct and logically explained answers and 3 extra credit points for the BONUS QUESTION! Have fun!
FINISH work on THE BFP! THE FAVORITE THING COMPANY WEBSITE.You should be finishing up this project, it is absolutely due at the end of class today.
OUR NEXT PROJECT: Time to learn a new tool for presenting information. The good news is- You may already know how to use this tool! Please check out the FAVORITE THING COMPANY ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT. Please make sure that you understand the A, B and C Options for this project! Don't know how to operate on CANVA? There are links to a couple of learning resources on the assignment sheet, USE THEM!
Begin work on THE BFP! THE FAVORITE THING COMPANY WEBSITE.You should begin putting together your site and pages this week. It is due next week, but we will also have a few small assignments along the way. We only have a few weeks of class left and we need at least one or two class periods to go over the FINAL EXAMINATION.
DONE with your company website? Time to learn a new tool for presenting information. The good news is- You may already know how to use this tool! Please check out the FAVORITE THING COMPANY ADVERTISEMENT PROJECT. Please make sure that you understand the A, B and C Options for this project!
BELLRINGER: None today. Today is a 100 percent WORK DAY. Start by reviewing the requirements of the FAVORITE THING COMPANY WEBSITE, especially the SEVEN PAGES that you will need to create. Then, review the video on how to work in SITES and begin making your pages.
Begin work on THE BFP! THE FAVORITE THING COMPANY WEBSITE.You should begin putting together your site and pages this week. It is due next week, but we will also have a few small assignments along the way. We only have a few weeks of class left and we need at least one or two class periods to go over the FINAL EXAMINATION.
BELLRINGER: Time to start thinking about our BIG FINAL PROJECT. To start previewing this project, please complete the FAVORITE THING WEBSITE PREVIEW.
WORK DAY: The FAVORITE THING TIMELINE. This project is due at the end of class TODAY. SUBMIT THIS PROJECT by sending Mr. B. the URL LINK to your timeline as you see it on your computer!
THE BFP! THE FAVORITE THING COMPANY WEBSITE. You should begin putting together your site and pages by the start of next week, we only have a few weeks of class left and we need at least one or two class periods to go over the FINAL EXAMINATION.
BELLRINGER: First, we discuss papers and their grades. 7 Students did not revise or update their rough draft in any way, which is unfortunate, because a couple of people now got zeroes, because the did not fix their citations, as recommended.
Google SHEETS does more than make graphs! It can also figure out math problems using formulas, WE REVIEW THIS AT THE START OF CLASS!
The FINAL DRAFT for the FAVORITE THING RESEARCH PAPER is due today. Make sure that you have made all necessary changes and saved your file to your folder.
I will be grading the GOOGLE FORMS and GOOGLE FORM GRAPHS in class today.
BELLRINGER: We review our grades for our Research Papers. Your FINAL DRAFT of your paper is due on THURSDAY and will be worth the remaining 80 points for this project.
I am still missing surveys from 6 students. If you have not yet submitted this yet, you have about 5 minutes at the start of class to get this to me or you will receive a zero out of 50 for this SIMPLE project.
Once people have completed YOUR survey, please go back to the assignment sheet and finish the SECOND HALF of this project, which is the graphing section.
INSTRUCTIONS are on the Google Forms Project. You must create two graphs of the BEST QUESTIONS THAT YOU ASKED REGARDING OPINIONS on your survey.
The Google Forms Project. Make sure that your questions pertain to classmates' OPINIONS regarding your FAVORITE THING from your paper last class period. EMAIL your form to Mr. B. by clicking on the BIG PURPLE SEND button at the top right of your form. DUE by the end of class TODAY. I will be uploading these forms as they come in today, so that you can begin taking the surveys of the other people in the class, if you are done. When everyone in the room is done doing your survey, please move on to the second part of this assignment, GRAPHING YOUR RESULTS!
BELLRINGER: None for today at the START of class, but there is a form that you should complete at the END of the day- RESEARCH PAPER REQUIREMENTS REVIEW. This will let you know if you are MISSING anything in your paper.
Please make sure that you have a GOOGLE DOC called RESEARCH_PAPER in your folder by the end of the day on Friday for grading!
RESEARCH PAPER PROJECT: Complete research and a 2-3 page paper regarding "The History of Your Favorite Thing," based upon your favorite thing from the chart that you made in at the start of the quarter. Due on WEDNESDAY, April 10th at MIDNIGHT
Carefully REVIEW the instructions on the Paper Assignment Sheet.
Research your chosen "FAVORITE THING" on the internet by completing the RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE. I recommend using search terms like "NIKE HISTORY" or "NIKE SALES" or "NIKE FOUNDING."
When you have research completed the outline, use that information to begin writing your paper, as outlined in the assignment sheet. Call this lastname_thing_paper and make sure it is in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder.
RESEARCH PAPER PROJECT: Complete research and a 2-3 page paper regarding "The History of Your Favorite Thing," based upon your favorite thing from the chart that you made in at the start of the quarter. Due on WEDNESDAY, April 10th at MIDNIGHT
Carefully REVIEW the instructions on the Paper Assignment Sheet.
Research your chosen "FAVORITE THING" on the internet by completing the RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE. I recommend using search terms like "NIKE HISTORY" or "NIKE SALES" or "NIKE FOUNDING."
When you have research completed the outline, use that information to begin writing your paper, as outlined in the assignment sheet. Call this lastname_thing_paper and make sure it is in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder.
BELLRINGER: Please open this RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE and MAKE A COPY OF IT into your FRESHMAN_TECHNOLOGY FOLDER. Please spend at least 30 minutes at the start of class today researching your Favorite Thing Company today and filling in the outline table, including SOURCE WEBSITES! This will be graded after class on Thursday.
OUR CURRENT PROJECT: The Google Charting and Graphing Assignment. This will be graded in class today, please have it done. Please make sure to complete all eight problems for this assignment. This project is worth 50 points.
RESEARCH PAPER PROJECT: Complete research and a 2-3 page paper regarding "The History of Your Favorite Thing," based upon your favorite thing from the chart that you made in at the start of the quarter. Due on WEDNESDAY, April 10th at MIDNIGHT
Carefully REVIEW the instructions on the Paper Assignment Sheet.
Research your chosen "FAVORITE THING" on the internet by completing the RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE. I recommend using search terms like "NIKE HISTORY" or "NIKE SALES" or "NIKE FOUNDING."
When you have research completed the outline, use that information to begin writing your paper, as outlined in the assignment sheet. Call this lastname_thing_paper and make sure it is in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder..
Please spend FIVE OR TEN MINUTES at the start of class today reading this SAMPLE FAVORITE THING RESEARCH PAPER. This is an almost perfect 200/200 paper, complete with ALL elements, proper formatting and good flow. Note that this paper includes a total of ELEVEN sources. You only need to include 3. This is an example that you should attempt to emulate with your work!
GOOGLE DRIVE LEARNING GRAPHS: Review the Google Charting Video at the top of the Assignment Sheet. Practice the skills as you review the video. You may also refer to this Google Learning Webpage regarding charts, as needed.
Carefully REVIEW the instructions on the Paper outline.
Open this RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE and MAKE A COPY OF IT into your FRESHMAN_TECHNOLOGY FOLDER. Spend some time BEFORE YOU START PUTTING YOUR PAPER TOGETHER researching your Favorite Thing Company and filling in the outline table, including SOURCE WEBSITES!
When you have research completed in the outline above, begin writing your paper, as outlined in the assignment sheet. Call this lastname_thing_paper and make sure it is in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder.
FOR TODAY: Please complete the "Research Paper Topic Selection Form." Read the questions carefully, this will determine the course of the rest of this quarter in the class. CHOOSE WISELY!
FOR TODAY:Please spend time today working on Our First Big Project: The Flowchart Project. This is due at the end of class TODAY.
GOOGLE DRIVE LEARNING GRAPHS: Review the Google Charting Video at the top of the Assignment Sheet. Practice the skills as you review the video. You may also refer to this Google Learning Webpage regarding charts, as needed.
Carefully REVIEW the instructions on the Paper outline.
Open this RESEARCH PAPER OUTLINE and MAKE A COPY OF IT into your FRESHMAN_TECHNOLOGY FOLDER. Spend some time today researching your Favorite Thing Company today and fill in the outline table, including SOURCE WEBSITES! This will be graded after class on Thursday.
When you have research completed in the outline above, begin writing your paper, as outlined in the assignment sheet. Call this lastname_thing_paper and make sure it is in your FRESHMAN_TECH.
GOOGLE DRIVE LEARNING GRAPHS: Review the Google Charting Video at the top of the Assignment Sheet. Practice the skills as you review the video. You may also refer to this Google Learning Webpage regarding charts, as needed.
GOOGLE DRIVE LEARNING GRAPHS: Review the Google Charting Video at the top of the Assignment Sheet. Practice the skills as you review the video. You may also refer to this Google Learning Webpage regarding charts, as needed.
Click START in the upper right corner of the screen.
Click GOOGLE DRIVE as a destination for your saved files.
When you are asked to AUTHORIZE, enter the information for your SCHOOL GOOGLE DRIVE. Click all of the appropriate buttons to allow access to your school Google Drive.
Click CONTINUE, when asked.
Navigate in your Google Drive to your FRESHMAN TECH FOLDER and click on it once to highlight it, then CLICK SELECT
Your NEW DIAGRAM will open.
Please review this 2:45 minute video-DRAW.IO BASICS LINK that Mr. B. created just for you, with basic information on how to use DIAGRAMS.NET.
In general, this program is pretty easy to use: Simply click and drag shapes from the left to the form. Double click a shape to add words. Use the tabs on the right to add color, line style, etc.
Start making your diagrams (see your project below!)
Your diagrams save as you go and are already in the proper folder for grading!
THE ACTUAL DRAW.IO DIAGRAMS Assignment: TWO PARTS: Make sure that you save your diagrams properly, as outlined above. If your diagram is not properly saved in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder, you will receive a ZERO. DUE MONDAY. 50 point assignment.
"MY FAVORITE THINGS" Chart in To make your "Word Web" into a usable piece of information, we will be recreating your chart using DIAGRAMS. LEARNING TOOLS were outlined above in the video link. PLEASE MAKE YOUR DIAGRAM SYMMETRICAL. EXTRA POINTS FOR ADDING COLOR, CHANGING FONTS, OR OTHERWISE MAKING YOUR DIAGRAM SHINY AND FANCY.
"THE 4th QUARTER CLASSROOM SEATING CHART": Please use your new diagramming skills to create a chart that VISUALLY DEMONSTRATES the Tech Lab and all of the seats and students in the room. Make sure to include important things like DOORS and BIG TVS and TEACHER'S DESK. You may get up and walk around a little, but DO NOT BE DISRUPTIVE in this activity! If you don't know everyone's name, you are allowed to simply put "STUDENT." You can create your room outline with either lines or shapes, whichever works best for you. IF YOU ARE USING SHAPES, PLEASE MAKE SURE TO TURN OFF YOUR STROKES ON YOUR SHAPES AS YOU WORK ON THIS PROJECT! YOUR DIAGRAM WILL LOOK MUCH NICER!
"MY FAVORITE THING IN 2023"- From your chart created above, select ONE of the COMPANIES OR BRAND NAMES on the outside of your diagram to be your FAVORITE THING. Then, do some research regarding that favorite thing. You can illustrate all of the following information in a diagram in the same way your did your FAVORITE THINGS CHART above, or you can be creative. The only rule is that your information should be easily accessible and understood!:
A copy of the LOGO of your company.
The physical address and telephone number of your company.
We review some of the information that we discussed yesterday by completing a QUIZ. YAY! Please finish the FRESHMAN TECHNOLOGY RULES AND REGULATIONS QUIZ. This will be a graded assignment, but it is essentially OPEN NOTE, so you do not have any excuses for not receiving a PERFECT GRADE!
A NUMBER OF STUDENTS HAVE NOT SHARED THEIR FRESHMAN_TECH FOLDERS WITH ME YET. Here is the list of students that HAVE shared their folder with me: MICK, VAN GILDER, TAYLOR, JENNINGS AND LEONARD. All other students need to do this as soon as possible, as this is the only way that I can see your submitted work. Here are the instructions for that:
Log in to your school Google Account.
In your school Google Drive account, create a new folder called "LASTNAME_FRESHMAN_TECH." Make sure this is YOUR LAST NAME- "Gust," "Jensen," etc.
Click ONCE to highlight this folder in Google Drive and then...
Cclick on the SHARE button in icon menu bar at the top of your drive list. It will look like a little person with a + next to it.
SHARE this folder with
Our First Assignment: Word Web- My Favorite Things Pencil Diagram. DUE TODAY. 25 point assignment. You will be using a piece of paper and a pencil to create a chart or "concept map" of information regarding some of your "Favorite Stuff." HERE IS MR. B.'s EXAMPLE. Your name will go in the center of the paper.
Create web "arms" for 6-8 different CATEGORIES of "Your Favorite Stuff." (these are CONSUMER GOODS that you can buy at a store. Think video games, energy drinks, cars, pizzas, french fries, chips, fast food, shoes, makeup, candy bars, etc. DO NOT LIST people, places, bands, pets, teams, etc.)
Create at least 3 web "arms" from each of these categories and list the specific brands/ flavors, of each category that are your favorites. (such as "Snickers," "Twix," "Reese's Pieces for Candy Bars, etc."
OUR FIRST REAL ASSIGNMENT- Creating Diagrams in DUE THURSDAY. 50 point assignment.
To make your "Word Web" into a usable piece of information, we will be recreating your chart using, as outlined below.
LEARNING TOOLS- DRAW.IO DIAGRAMS: Review the following to help you understand how to use the basics of DIAGRAMS:
Click START in the upper right corner of the screen.
Click GOOGLE DRIVE as a destination for your saved files.
When you are asked to AUTHORIZE, enter the information for your SCHOOL GOOGLE DRIVE. Click all of the appropriate buttons to allow access to your school Google Drive.
Click CONTINUE, when asked.
Navigate in your Google Drive to your FRESHMAN TECH FOLDER and click on it once to highlight it, then CLICK SELECT
Your NEW DIAGRAM will open.
Please review this 2:45 minute video-DRAW.IO BASICS LINK that Mr. B. created just for you, with basic information on how to use DIAGRAMS.NET.
In general, this program is pretty easy to use: Simply click and drag shapes from the left to the form. Double click a shape to add words. Use the tabs on the right to add color, line style, etc.
Start making your diagrams (see your project below!)
Your diagrams save as you go and are already in the proper folder for grading!
THE ACTUAL DRAW.IO DIAGRAMS Assignment: TWO PARTS: Make sure that you save your diagrams properly, as outlined above. If your diagram is not properly saved in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder, you will receive a ZERO. DUE MONDAY. 50 point assignment.
"MY FAVORITE THINGS" Chart in DIAGRAMS.NET: To make your "Word Web" into a usable piece of information, we will be recreating your chart using DIAGRAMS. LEARNING TOOLS were outlined above in the video link. PLEASE MAKE YOUR DIAGRAM SYMMETRICAL. EXTRA POINTS FOR ADDING COLOR, CHANGING FONTS, OR OTHERWISE MAKING YOUR DIAGRAM SHINY AND FANCY.
"THE 4th QUARTER CLASSROOM SEATING CHART": Please use your new diagramming skills to create a chart that VISUALLY DEMONSTRATES the Tech Lab and all of the seats and students in the room. Make sure to include important things like DOORS and BIG TVS and TEACHER'S DESK. You may get up and walk around a little, but DO NOT BE DISRUPTIVE in this activity! If you don't know everyone's name, you are allowed to simply put "STUDENT." PLEASE MAKE SURE TO TURN OFF YOUR STROKES ON YOUR SHAPES AS YOU WORK ON THIS PROJECT! YOUR DIAGRAM WILL LOOK MUCH NICER!
"MY FAVORITE THING IN 2023"- From your chart created above, select ONE of the COMPANIES OR BRAND NAMES on the outside of your diagram to be your FAVORITE THING. Then, do some research regarding that favorite thing. You can illustrate all of the following information in a diagram in the same way your did your FAVORITE THINGS CHART above, or you can be creative. The only rule is that your information should be easily accessible and understood!:
A copy of the LOGO of your company.
The physical address and telephone number of your company.
We hand out the SYLLABUS. This is due ON THURSDAY.
HOUSEKEEPING DUTIES (You can use your handout sheet for this!):
Google Drive login.
Navigate to Bookmark the Freshman Tech page, we will be using it often. To do this, click on the little STAR in the upper right corner of your screen, then type CTRL-SHIFT B, which will bring up your bookmark bar.
In your Google Drive account, create a new folder called "LASTNAME_FRESHMAN_TECH." Click to highlight this folder in Google Drive and then click on the SHARE button in the upper right section of your menu. SHARE this folder with ALL FUTURE FILES FOR THIS CLASS MUST BE MADE IN THIS FOLDER!
LEARNING TOOLS- DRAW.IO DIAGRAMS: Review the following to help you understand how to use the basics of DIAGRAMS:
Click START in the upper right corner of the screen.
Click GOOGLE DRIVE as a destination for your saved files.
When you are asked to AUTHORIZE, enter the information for your SCHOOL GOOGLE DRIVE. Click all of the appropriate buttons to allow access to your school Google Drive.
Click CONTINUE, when asked.
Navigate in your Google Drive to your FRESHMAN TECH FOLDER and click on it once to highlight it, then CLICK SELECT
Your NEW DIAGRAM will open.
Please review this 1:45 minute HELP LINK to get basic information on how to use DIAGRAMS.NET.
In general, this program is pretty easy to use: Simply click and drag shapes from the left to the form. Double click a shape to add words. Use the tabs on the right to add color, line style, etc.
Start making your diagrams (see your project below!)
Your diagrams save as you go and are already in the proper folder for grading!
Our First Graded Work: Word Web- My Favorite Things Pencil Diagram. DUE next class period, but should be finished today! 25 point assignment. You will be using a piece of paper and a pencil to create a chart or "concept map" of information regarding some of your "Favorite Stuff." HERE IS MR. B.'s EXAMPLE. Your name will go in the center of the paper.
Create web "arms" for 6-8 different CATEGORIES of "Your Favorite Stuff." (these are CONSUMER GOODS that you can buy at a store or generally purchase. Think energy drinks, cars, pizzas, french fries, chips, fast food, shoes, makeup, candy bars, baseball bats, etc. DO NOT LIST people, places, bands, pets, teams, sports, authors, types of animals, poets, houseplants, spiders, elephants, rock formations, etc.)
Create at least 3 web "arms" from each of these categories and list the specific BRAND NAMES of each category that are your favorites. (such as "Snickers," "Twix," "Reese's" for Candy Bars, etc.")
LEARNING TOOLS- DIAGRAM.NET DIAGRAMS: Review the following to help you understand how to use the basics of DIAGRAM.NET DIAGRAMS:
From your GOOGLE DRIVE FRESHMAN TECHNOLOGY FOLDER that is shared with Mr. B., click on the NEW button in the upper left corner, use the pull-out menu to click on MORE, then click on DIAGRAMS.NET.
After some thinking, you will see a CREATE NEW DIAGRAM dialogue box. NAME your chart and then click CREATE. If the system gives you some kind of grief, such as asking for permissions, simply X out of all of the creation windows, which will leave you with a ...blank window, which is what you want anyway.
In general, this program is pretty easy to use: Simply click and drag shapes from the left to the form. Double click a shape to add words. Use the tabs on the right to add color, line style, etc.
Use the CONNECTOR button at the top to create connecting lines between shapes. You can also do this automatically by clicking on connector points on your shape.
You will need to save your diagrams as you go, make sure to save them in the proper folder, if they are not doing so already, check, just to be sure!
THE ACTUAL DRAW.IO DIAGRAMS Assignment: THREE PARTS: Make sure that you save your diagrams properly, as outlined above. If your diagram is not properly saved in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder, you will receive a ZERO. DUE TUESDAY. 60 point assignment.
"MY FAVORITE THINGS" Chart in DIAGRAMS.NET DIAGRAMS: To make your "Word Web" into a usable piece of information, we will be recreating your chart using DIAGRAMS. LEARNING TOOLS ARE OUTLINED BELOW.
"THE 3rd QUARTER CLASSROOM SEATING CHART": Please use your new diagramming skills to create a chart that VISUALLY DEMONSTRATES the Tech Lab and all of the seats and students in the room. Make sure to include important things like DOORS and BIG TVS and TEACHER'S DESK. You may get up and walk around a little, but DO NOT BE DISRUPTIVE in this activity!
"MY FAVORITE THING IN 2022/3"- From your chart created above, select ONE of the companies or brand names on the outside of your diagram to be your VERY FAVORITE THING. Then, do some research regarding that favorite thing. You will illustrate all of the following information in a diagram in the same way your did your FAVORITE THINGS CHART above.:
A copy of the LOGO of your company.
The physical address and telephone number of your company.