Google FORMS Assignment
BACKGROUND: Students have reviewed the use of Google Sheets to create charts and graphs. For this assignment, students will use Google FORMS as a data gathering vehicle, then graph their findings using Google Sheets. RESOURCES: Students may use ANY resources at their disposal to complete this assignment, starting with this link "Getting Started with Forms" from Google Learning, which is quick and easy and offers lots of useful graphics. TO USE THIS PAGE, WHEN YOU START YOUR NEW FORM, CLICK ON "CREATE YOUR FORM" PURPLE BAR AT THE TOP OF THAT WEBSITE! INDEPENDENT LEARNING: It is expected that the student learn how to use Google FORMS independently, with a minimum of instructor intervention. Please ask questions about how to use Forms or how to complete this assignment ONLY when you have exhausted all of your learning resources (such as reviewing the Google Learning Forms link above and reading this assignment sheet.) CONCEPT: Students will be gathering information from the class regarding their FAVORITE THING topic from their paper last week. This information will go on to be used in a number of pieces of presented information in the future in this course. Students will be directly graded on the QUALITY of their questions with regards to gathering information from classmates on their topic and their ability to visualize this information using CHARTS and GRAPHS. Please see the ADVICE section below regarding how to formulate useful questions for gathering good data! PART ONE OF THIS PROJECT: DIRECTIONS: Students will be responsible for creating a Google form to be completed by the students in the class in the near future. This form will ask a number of questions to gather information about... HOW PEOPLE FEEL ABOUT YOUR PROJECT (IN OTHER WORDS, THEIR OPINIONS. PLEASE DO NOT ASK THE QUESTIONS "DO YOU LIKE [MY THING]" OR "RATE [MY THING]" IN ANY FORM!) If you do, you will receive an automatic ZERO. Your FORM should include AT LEAST the following TYPES OF QUESTIONS to gather information:
SOME ADVICE ABOUT FORM QUESTIONS: When putting together your questions, try to limit the possible responses of your audience to a manageable group. You should also make sure that you ask questions that will actually give you INFORMATION and DATA regarding the feelings of students in class. For example:
STYLE POINTS: Mr. Burkhard is easily impressed by flashy and shiny objects. Perhaps if you changed the colors of your form and the header image of your survey, he would be impressed and give you a better grade! SAMPLE SURVEY, CREATED BY MR. B.:. Can be seen at this link. Your survey should be very similar in form and content. THE SURVEYS: Below will be the links to all of the student surveys that are submitted for this project. Please spend time completing EACH survey. When the class is done, use the RESULTS SHEET to create your Graphs and Charts as outlined below. PART TWO OF THIS PROJECT: USING YOUR DATA: You will be creating a GOOGLE SHEETS file from your survey results and then creating at least TWO graphs from the results.
SUBMISSION: Your FORM should created in your COMPTECH folder and the link to the LIVE FORM should be emailed to Mr. B., so that he can link them for students to complete. Make sure your GRAPHS file is in your COMPTECH folder, as well.