"The Favorite Thing" Company Website

BACKGROUND: Students have already done preliminary research and data collection regarding their selected "Favorite Thing"- a word web chart, a short research paper, a class survey and graph, and an interactive timeline. This assignment takes this research further, putting all of this information together into a WEBSITE, which will be shared with to the class.

ASSIGNMENT: This assignment will involve students creating a GOOGLE SITES WEBSITE, complete with a variety of pages that outline all facets of your FAVORITE THING COMPANY, from the company's beginnings to what the company is doing in 2022, to directions to the company's headquarters.

INSPIRATIONS: It is expected that students will spend some time reviewing the following websites, also made with GOOGLE SITES, as inspirations. I fully expect YOUR website to look at professional and informative as these sites!

MODEL WEBSITE: This website, THE APPLE WEBSITE, was created by a student in this class last quarter and is a perfect example of all of the pages and content that should be included in your site.

THE WEBSITE:  Students will use a WEBSITE format to ILLUSTRATE the highlights of their FAVORITE THING company. 

HOW TO START: From your FRESHMAN TECH folder, click NEW>MORE>GOOGLE SITES. Notice the GOOGLE SITE EDIT PANEL to the right, which will allow you to ADD PAGES, CHANGE or ADD PAGE CONTENT and CHANGE THE LOOK OF YOUR SITE. Play with these elements to see how they work, then begin adding the required pages below.

VIDEO BASICS: Here is a quick video that shows most of the basics of how to create and add features to your Google Sites Website:



  1. The COMPANY WEBSITE must include at least the following pages, properly added, linked and populated with appropriate information:
    • Home Page, with basic information about the company:
      • Please include at least one CONTENT BLOCK from the INSERT section of Google Sites.
      • This page should include relevant photos and text/captions that identifies your company and products and interests the viewer in reading more.
    • Products/Services: A detailed listing (including images) of the products and services offered by the company.
      • This page should include an IMAGE CAROUSEL or CONTENT BOX from the INSERT section of Google Sites.
      • The Image Carousel or CONTENT BOX should include images that represent some/most/all of your company's products and/or services, complete with descriptions.
      • Use inserted TEXT BOXES to describe your products, as needed.
    • Our Reviews: A page dedicated to the THREE SURVEY GRAPHS that you created with the Google Forms Project.
      • This page will include a CHART included from the INSERT section fo Google Sites.
      • Please insert and properly size each of your two survey graphs on this page.
    • Our History:
      • This page should include AT A MINIMUM, a 1-2 paragraph story about the beginnings of your company. Please include AT LEAST FIVE TO SEVEN HIGHLIGHT STORIES FROM YOUR TIMELINE ON THIS PAGE.
      • Please include PHOTOGRAPHS from the early days of the company, along with captions explaining each photo.
      • A page that outlines some of the changes in the History of the Company, complete with explanatory paragraphs/captions and photographs (similar to the "How We Started" Page, but discussing some of the changes that you talked about in your paper.)
    • Our Company in 2024/5: A page that outlines what the company is doing in the year 2024/5, including company worth, income, net sales, ranking in the marketplace, etc. Please include at least SOME graphics, images, charts, data, etc. The information on this page is up to you, but must be ACCURATE! You completed this information on the 2nd day of the quarter in the DIAGRAMS.NET DIAGRAMS ASSIGNMENT.
    • A Contact Us Page: Complete with all of the contact information for your company- website, address, etc.
      • Please include a MAP from the INSERT section of Google Sites that shows the headquarters of your company.
      • Include a number of different photographs of the company headquarters, as well as the company PHONE NUMBER and email address.
    • ONE LAST REQUIRED PAGE- Any Other Page that you wish to include in your website: This can be a GALLERY page, a LOCATIONS page, a MERCH page, an ARTWORK page, you get to decide whatever you would like your extra page to be! Make it creative and interesting!
  2. THEME AND DESIGN: It is expected that you will come up with a THEME (either from the THEMES section of Google Sites or by creating your own) that matches with your company. Please include appropriate COMPANY LOGOS, BANNER IMAGES, COLORS, ETC.

SUBMISSION OF WEBSITE: Make sure that your site is created in your FRESHMAN_TECH folder so that I can find it. You DO NOT need to publish your site AND share it with Mr. B. for grading.

GRADING: This project will be worth a total of 150 points. 50 points for properly formatted WEBPAGES, as outlined above. 50 points for quality of information related on the website and 50 points for the style and look of the website, as well as included goodies, extras, images, etc.