Computers and Technology- The "History of Your Favorite Thing" Paper
BACKGROUND: Students have created a CHART of their "Favorite Stuff," which outlined the various categories and types of their "Favorite Things." This CHART was created in Google Docs, using the APP. REQUIREMENTS/ PAPER SUBJECT: Students will select one of their FAVORITE THINGS and will use the Internet to research the HISTORY of that THING. Then, the student will write a TWO to THREE PAGE PAPER that relates the HISTORY of your THING, to include QUOTES from THREE SOURCES. The student will include a COVER PAGE and a WORKS CITED page in their paper. NUMBER OF PAPER SOURCES: Students may use ANY resources at their disposal to complete this research paper. Students are required to incorporate AT LEAST THREE DIFFERENT SOURCES into their writing. Here is the rule regarding the citation of SOURCE MATERIAL in your paper: If you do not cite a source for a statement in your paper, YOU MADE IT UP and it does not count (or you are PLAGIARIZING, which is worse!) CITING SOURCES IN YOUR WRITING: Any quotes or data or information that you have gathered from a source needs to be cited IN THE BODY OF YOUR PAPER in the following format: PLAGIARISM: As we will discuss in class, plagiarism is: Make sure that ALL of your work on this paper is ORIGINAL and that any QUOTES are properly cited (see below.) USE OF AI: We discussed this extensively in class. You may use AI models to GUIDE your in your paper and help you find valid source material. You MAY NOT simply have AI write your paper for you. This is considered PLAGIARISM. Here is Mr. B.'s list of NIKE QUERIES that may help guide you in your use of AI for this paper. PAPER REQUIREMENTS:
SOURCES AND CITATIONS FORMATTING: Students are required to use at least one source for the information on each paragraph of the paper. These can be online or hardcopy resources. You MUST include a SOURCE page at the end of your paper, with all sources properly listed. I would like students to use APA style in their citations. Proper formatting for such sources will look like this: IF YOU WISH TO BE MORE TECHNOLOGICAL, you can use the following handy citation generator found online:, but it is not required and citing sources is easier if you just follow the model above. You can also use an AI model, such as ChatGPT, to help you create your APA citations, but you will need to know how to properly format APA source citations for the Final Exam. FORMATTING EXAMPLE: Here is an example of the proper formatting for this paper. Here are the thumbnails of the main three pages of the paper: TURNING YOUR PAPER IN: Your work should be AT LEAST TWO to THREE complete pages typed, not including the cover sheet and the sources pages. Make sure to create this paper and the research file in your COMPTECH folder. Make sure to include your COVER SHEET and your SOURCES PAGE and that your paper has all of the proper formatting with regards to font, font size, cover sheet and sources page. Paper submitted without these elements properly included WILL BE REJECTED. THE PAPER IS DUE ON FRIDAY, September 13th at 11:59 pm. ©Paul Burkhard, 2016, UPDATED- 2024