"What is the Hot Technology of the Day?"
Assignment: “What is the Hot Technology of the Day?

Background:  We have been discussing the meaning of the word TECHNOLOGY and have formulated a working definition: "Technology is a tool, developed by man, to solve a problem."

Preparation:  Today, in groups, you will be brainstorming and researching (if necessary) ideas about Technology for a particular time in history. Using your knowledge of what technology is, please demonstrate “the hot technologies” of various time periods in history.

The time periods under consideration are:

Ancient Egypt (Pyramids and Pharoahs CLAUDIA, BRAIDEN
Medieval Europe (Knights, castles, peasants) ZACHARY, ERIC
The Civil War Era (1861-1865) CODY, ALEJANDRO
The Birth of the TV era: The 1950s CASEY, JOSHUA
YOUR Birth Year: 2003/2004? GARRETT, RACHEL
One Hundred Years from now: The Year 2118 CIARA, BOWEN

The Project:  Describe TWO of the “Hot Technologies” of your historical time period in the following areas (work it out with the other student analyzing your time period before you begin!):

  • Food and Drink OR Health and Medicine (pick one)
  • Transportation OR Communication (pick one)
  • Entertainment
  • War and Conflict

Using GOOGLE DOCS, please INSERT>DRAWING and use the enabled DRAWING tools to visually demonstrates the following for the "hot technology" of your time period.

  • The “problem” that existed before your technology was developed.
  • What your Hot Technology is/was.
  • AND how it solved the problem in #1.

I want to see drawings, diagrams, and so forth, NO TEXT, except for the TITLE of your Google Doc! When you are done, the average person should be able to figure out all three of your points above without assistance. Make sure that you visually demonstrate the TIME PERIOD and the PROBLEM being addressed!

Presentation and Grading:  When we are all done, the group will present their AutoCAD diagrams to the class. This assignment will be worth 50 points to each person in the group!