AutoCAD Assignment 8: POLYLINES and the HATCH Command.

Before you begin: First, create a “lastname_autoCAD_8” folder on your network space for this assignment. Save all of the following drawings into this folder.

The contents of this assignment: In this assignment, students will be learning how to use the AutoCAD POLYLINE and HATCH Commands.

The Tutorials:




The Problems:

DRAWING 1: Using the POLYLINE and OFFSET Commands, recreate the figure below:

DRAWING 2: Using the HATCH Command and any other AutoCAD tools, recreate the figure below. Use whichever SCALES for HATCH that are appropriate to recreate the look of the figure.:

DRAWING 3: Using the POLYLINE Command and any other AutoCAD tools, recreate the figure below. Feel free to include the text. For now, do not worry about recreating DASHED lines, just make them into regular lines.:

DRAWING 4: Using HATCH Commands and any other necessary AutoCAD Tools, recreate the figure below:

DRAWING 5: Challenge Problem: Using the AutoCAD POLYLINE and HATCH Command (to fill with color) and any other AutoCAD tools, recreate the American Flag as shown below, to exact specifications. Please note that the HEIGHT of the flag (distance from the bottom of the flag to the top of the flag as it is flying) is seen as ONE UNIT (called the "hoist.") All other dimensions are noted in relation to the hoist. This can be 1.0 units, 1 foot, 100 feet, etc.

NOT SURE HOW TO DRAW A PERFECT STAR IN AUTOCAD? Check this link for a quick tutorial! NOTE: The POLYGON command is in the RECTANGLE drop-down menu in the DRAW panel. Practice with the command while following the prompts from the command line and you should be fine! Make sure your stars are INSCRIBED into a 0.0616 POLYGON and are all properly lined up!

ADDITIONAL CHALLENGE: Proper coloring on the American Flag is very important! Here is a link to a website that outlines the proper colors for our flag. Figure out how to make your FILL COLORS the exact proper colors!