AutoCAD Assignment 14: Architectural Drawing Basics.

Before you begin: First, create a “lastname_autoCAD_14” folder on your network space for this assignment. Save all of the following drawings into this folder.

Objectives: In this assignments, students will learn how to prepare an AutoCAD workspace for use in Architectural Drawing and how to complete basic architectural plots.

Tutorials that you need to view:

YouTube Video: Tutorial AutoCAD 2015 #110: Setting up Architectural Drawings. Pay close attention to the UNIT and LAYER COMMANDS, as you will need to be able to use LAYERS in your FINAL PROJECT.

YouTube Video: Tutorial AutoCAD 2015 #111: Architectural Drawings- Doors and Windows.

Architectural Drawing: Make sure to properly set up your UNITS before each drawing. PLEASE NOTE: With our older version of AutoCAD, settting up a large scale drawing was much more difficult than it is now. The first two problems in this assignment are to allow the student to practice creating larger plots. This is not exactly ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING, but the practice in completing the drawings is a good refresher regarding DIMENSIONS and DIMSTYLE, so complete them anyway.


  • Replicate this figure.
  • Set your POLAR TRACKING to 5 degrees if that makes finding the angles any easier.
  • DIMENSION exactly as in the book. Use the LEADER (That we learned when doing ISOMETRIC DIMENSIONS) to write "USE REDWOOD" in the upper right corner. When using LEADER on this problem, increase your font size using CTRL-1 as needed to allow your text to be visible.
  • Make sure to use DIMSTYLE to make your text size readable and your arrows big enough to see. Also, set your dimensional units to ARCHITECTURAL.

DRAWING 2: Page 394, Figure 26-4:

  • Replicate this figure.
  • DIMENSION exactly as in the book.
  • Make sure to use DIMSTYLE to make your text size readable (maybe 8-10” or so), your arrows big enough to see and your dimensional units to ARCHITECTURAL.

DRAWING 3: Page 447, Figure 29-9.

  • Replicate this figure as closely as possible.
  • Use ARCHITECTURAL Units for this drawing.
  • Draw the OUTSIDE lines of this figure with POLYLINES and use the OFFSET Command set to 4” to draw the inside of the double line walls. Add internal wall lines as shown in the book.  The dimensions in the book are from the OUTSIDE of a wall to the MIDDLE of a partition (interior wall).
  • Before you work on the DOORWAYS, watch this Video Tutorial:
  • Make sure that you include all TEXT in this drawing!
  • Dimension the figure, make sure to use DIMSTYLE to make your text size readable, your arrows visible and your dimension units to Architectural.

CHALLENGE PROBLEM- DRAWING 4: Page 833, Figure 60-2.

  • Replicate this figure as closely as possible.
  • Use ARCHITECTURAL Units for this drawing.
  • Draw the walls as outlined in the video tutorial, along with the windows and doors.
  • Add the internal text, exactly as in the book.
  • Dimension the figure, make sure to use your DIMSTYLE button to make your text size readable, your arrows visible and your dimension units to Architectural.

Submitting Your Work: Make sure to create your files in your “autoCAD_14” folder on your network space.