Assignment 15: Test Preparation- "AutoCAD Olympics."
Objectives: As we prepare for a fairly large test regarding our AutoCAD skills, a competition might be in order. For this competition, each student must help complete a variety of drawings in different categories. Each drawing will be judged for accuracy and time and given a score. Scores will be totalled for each Technology 1 class. The class with the highest overall score will be declared the winning class. Prizes may or may not be awarded to the winning class. AutoCAD Olympics- The Categories:
REGISTERING FOR EVENTS: Each student in the class has already been assigned to a team and an individual event. SCORING: For each event, students will be given a drawing to replicate. All students competing in the event will begin at the same time. Students will need to complete their drawing as quickly as possible, but must also be precise. The fastest times for each event will be declared winners. For each error in a drawing, Mr. B. will add a 10 percent time penalty to the score of the event. DIMENSIONS: For all drawings that have dimensions, you must include dimensions. Make sure that your dimensions match the originals as closely as possible, especially with regards to DECIMAL PLACES, or you will face a deduction. THE EVENTS and THE DRAWINGS: The links below will lead to drawings that are representative of each event. Depending upon how we decide to proceed with our Olympics, we may simply complete these as a regular assignment or we may practice the Olympics format and have teams and times for each event. DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINKS UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO!
SUBMITTING YOUR WORK: Depending on how students decide to complete this assignment, they will either be competing in a practice competition or will be completing all drawings individually in their TEAM_1 and TEAM_2 folders. |