AutoCAD Assignment 10: TABLES and AREA.

Before you begin: First, create a “lastname_autoCAD_10” folder on your network space for this assignment. Save all of the following drawings into this folder.

The contents of this assignment: In this assignment, students will be learning how to use the AutoCAD TABLE and AREA Commands.

The Tutorials:

Before beginning, review the following Tutorials:


The Problems:

PROBLEM 1: Using the AutoCAD TABLE command, create a table that demonstrates the following information: The First and Last Names of all of the students in this class, the grade (9th, 10th, etc.) of each student and whether or not they are a Concurrent Enrollment student. Make sure to include a proper TITLE for your table! NOTE: The class will have to work together to gather this information. How could this be accomplished in the most efficient way?

PROBLEM 2: Below is a chart of the dimensions of a number of rooms in a new office building:

  1. In order to figure out the TOTAL SQUARE FEET of all the rooms, draw the different rooms described in the table FIRST.
  2. Use the AutoCAD TABLE command to create and complete the table below.
  3. Use the AREA command to figure out the proper areas of the drawn rooms as outlined in the table below and enter the AREA COMMAND total figure in the table.
  4. Then, use the FORMULA>SUM from the TABLE RIBBON to figure out the room areas by formula in the format "=b3*c3", etc.The two numbers that you have for areas should be the same on your table!
  5. If necessary, use CTRL-1 to bring up the property panel for the text in your table to increase the size of your letters.

AREA/square feet

(by Formula)

AREA/square feet

(by AREA command)

HALLWAY 26'-3" 6'-0"    
HALLWAY 8'-0" 48'-5"    
OFFICE-EXECUTIVE 24'-0" 27'-3"    
OFFICE-LARGE 24'-0" 20'-9"    
OFFICE-LARGE 24'-0" 24'-0"    
OFFICE-SMALL 20'-4" 20'-9"    
RESTROOM-MEN 9'-11" 7'-9"    
RESTROOM-WOMEN 9'-11" 7'-9"    

DRAWING 3: Replicate the drawing below, complete with the included revision table, outlining the changes to the house plan over time. Include the Title Block in the lower right corner, as well!:

DRAWING 4: You have been planning on building a small house and have sketched out your design idea on a piece of paper (below). Draw this pencil sketch in AutoCAD, including as much detail as you can. PLEASE NOTE: Not all of your figures in your drawing were exact to the inch. Do your best to make the AutoCAD design as close to the original as possible, while adjusting dimensions as necessary to make the drawing more realistic. When you are done with your sketch, use the AutoCAD AREA command to determine the area in square feet of each room and the hallway. Put this information into a table similar to the one used in Problem 2. Figure out the total square footage for your house design and include it in the table, as well.

DRAWING 5: RIGHT CLICK>SAVE this LINK to your AutoCAD_10 Folder. Open it in AutoCAD. Complete the following tasks in the file's table:

  1. In the first row of the AREA column, create a formula to calculate the area (length x width) of each room listed in the table. HINT: Enter =c3*d3 in the first cell!
  2. By default, AutoCAD highlights a formula result to show which elements are from formulas and which are not. Unfortunately, on our computers, this makes the text white with a light gray background, which is very hard to read. TO FIX THIS: From the command line, type the command FIELDDISPLAY. The command line will then as for a new value for the FIELDDISPLAY. ENTER the number 0 and hit return. This will make your formula column look like all of your other columns.
  3. Use auto-fill to populate the other cells in the column: HINT: click the cell with your formula from above. Now click the little diamond shape in the lower right corner of the cell, then click-drag to fill the cells below!
  4. Add a row to the bottom of the table. HINT: Right click on the bottom row letter!
  5. In the new bottom row, merge cells a11 through e11, set the alignment to TOP RIGHT and enter the text "Total Area."
  6. In the bottom right cell, create a formula to calculate the total area of all of the rooms, using the FORMULA>SUM button in the ribbon panel.

CHALLENGE PROBLEM: DRAWING 6: Recreate the two views of a picnic table below, including all lines and details. Make sure that you DIMENSION, as in the drawings. In addition, add the Materials List TABLE to your drawing, as well. Please use the MATERIALS LIST to assist you in the drawing of your table. However, please note that the size 2 x 4 DOES NOT mean that the board is 2" by 4" in size. A 2 x 4 is actually 1 1/2 inches by 3 1/2 inches in size!