BEFORE YOU START: Create a new folder on your network space, called FUSION_360. In this FUSION_360 folder, create another new folder called “LESSON_7”. You will need to EXPORT your drawings as .F3D files and save it to your LESSON_7 folder for grading! THE RELEVANT VIDEO TUTORIALS: You will NEED to watch this video to be able to complete this assignment. PROBLEM 1: Complete the "HANDLEBAR" exactly as in the video. This tutorial is a little more picky than some, especially when it comes to using the PROJECT command. Make sure to follow the instructions EXACTLY and you should be fine. Even I had to go back and review the video a few times in some situations to get it right. SAVE YOUR DRAWING WHEN COMPLETE AS HANDLEBAR.F3D to your LESSON_7_FOLDER. Here is Mr. B.'s version: PROBLEM 2: Back in Lesson 4, the LOFT Lesson, you created the model of a PENCIL. Let's revisit that pencil. Please that pencil, seen below: Using the skills and tools gained in this lesson, please put the words "BLACKWING 602" on the body of your pencil. IF YOU COMPLETED A MORE SIMPLE PENCIL than the BLACKWING 602, please just emboss the WORD PENCIL onto your pencil. If you did something more creative, such as a pen, place your name on your pen. HINT: To make sure this lines up properly, CREATE AN OFFSET PLANE FROM YOUR PENCIL SURFACE, THEN USE THAT PLANE TO CREATE YOUR TEXT ABOVE YOUR PENCIL SURFACE. When you are done, please SAVE YOUR DRAWING WHEN COMPLETE AS PENCIL_WORDS.F3D. Here is Mr. B.'s version: PROBLEM 3: There isn't anyone that wouldn't absolutely LOVE a nice keychain with their name on it! Let's model one. Here are a couple of examples: For this problem, you will be creating your own keychain, using the skills from this lesson. There are a couple of rules, however:
When you are done, please SAVE YOUR DRAWING WHEN COMPLETE AS KEYCHAIN.F3D. Here is Mr. B.'s version: SUPER-CHALLENGE PROBLEM: In looking for some information regarding chains, I came across the following elegant, but advanced video tutorial. If you would like a challenge, see if you can complete this technique to create a serpentine chain bracelet. NOTE: This is an advanced video. I highly recommend that you review all of the video first, then attempt the technique. You will probably need to slow down the video to see all of the commands being used. If you complete this, save it to your LESSON_7 Folder as BRACELET.F3D. SUBMITTING YOUR WORK: I will grade all of the problems for FUSION_360_LESSON_7 Directly out of your folder on your COLOR Drive. GRADING: I will be grading FUSION_360 work in the following way. I will be grading your completed assignments and figures each week. As there are only going to be 3 figures for each assignment, all assignments will be worth 60 points, 20 points for each of the practice problem and the independent problems. |