BEFORE YOU START: Create a new folder on your network space, called FUSION_360. In this FUSION_360 folder, create another new folder called “LESSON_11”. You will need to EXPORT your drawings as .F3D files and save it to your LESSON_9 folder for grading! THE RELEVANT VIDEO TUTORIALS: You will NEED to watch this video to be able to complete this assignment. PROBLEM 1: Complete the "DOGBOWL" exactly as in the video. SAVE YOUR DRAWING WHEN COMPLETE AS DOGBOWL.F3D to your LESSON_11_FOLDER. PROBLEM 2:
SUBMITTING YOUR WORK: I will grade all of the problems for FUSION_360_LESSON_7 Directly out of your folder on your COLOR Drive. GRADING: I will be grading FUSION_360 work in the following way. I will be grading your completed assignments and figures each week. As there are only going to be 3 figures for each assignment, all assignments will be worth 60 points, 20 points for each of the practice problem and the independent problems. |